Fantasy RPG Plot Hooks/All

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Plot hooks organized alphabetically.

Entries: (10)
Bountiful Wolves The adventurers hear of a sizable bounty on vicious wolves.
Crazy Cock and Bull Story A wizard farmer has a new hybrid animal that gives milk and eggs.
Demonic Tapeworm This parasitic hell spawn can be silent but deadly.
I Wasn't Surprised, I Saw Behind The Screen The party finally gets to take a break. Their NPC ally's odd activity is surely nothing to worry about.
Kill 'em With Kindness The fairy courts have an odd idea of justice.
Meteorite? Wrong. Like the answers to all your problems are just going to fall right out of the sky.
To Be the Very Best. "Hear ye, hear ye! A grand tournament of beasts is declared open to all contenders, noble and peasant alike!"
Tournament of Poor Taste A diplomatic mission to a barbaric tribe gets primal.
Unreliable Backpack Isn't it always a good idea to pick up things you find in a dungeon?
Wiz-icles! Those crazy kids and their magically delicious fad foods.
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