ROTS: Get fucked in the pussy (Aayla Secura)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:27, 9 October 2018 by Wamakima5004 (Talk | contribs)

You can feel the tip of Bly's hard stuck pushing inside of your folds. When you just about to brace the inevitable, Bly waste no time and slam his whole length inside you.

"Mmmhmmh" You moaned as you climax.

As soon as Bly's cock is all inside, he quickly pull out then slam it back in. Bly made sure that each thrust would make his cock touching the entrance of your womb. Even though you try to deny it, the pleasure that Bly's holy stick gives is gradually increasing. You can see other clones taking off their crotch armor and taking out their penis as they watching your and Bly's show. You try to glare at them, trying to force them to look away. But you know that it would have zero effect with the swinging of your big tits and the moaning from you.

Bly grunt out,"I can feel your pussy is twitching. You must love people watching you getting rammed by my big cock."

You can only respond with viciously shaking your head and moaning into your panty gag.

"Damn. I'm sure the whole battalion wants to hear your sexy voice." as Bly takes out my complete drenched panty and throws it aside.

"Take out your ..... filthy cock .... and I would ... forgive you .... for this"

"You talk too much for a blue little whore. Let you hear you talk after this" Bly pick you both legs up, exposing everything to the world. He also pick up his pace like a machine.

Soon Bly annouced,"Oh yeah. You are sooooo tight. I going to cum soon. I'm pour all my stuff inside you."

"Wait .... please. .... do it outside.... I will.... do anything .... pleease ..... noooooooooo"

Tight Ass


Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Aayla Secura
Revenge of the Sith

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