D&D: You teach the two boys

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide only to train two of the boys in the group. The two in question were a pair of twin half-orcs, both muscular and rather vulgar, but smarter than you'd initially given them credit for.

"Alright boys, let's start with some basic combat training in the next room." You say ushering them towards a door on the far end of the room. The room has a whole wall devoted to weapons and armor. "How about some unarmed training?" Said one of the two boys, as good an idea as any you suppose, what you have yet to realize however is that the boys have a devious plan in the works.

You decide that a little warmup is in order before open combat training, you lead them through a rigorous workout, once you finish its decided that it'll be the twins versus you during combat, you begin with a few punches the boys evade, every now and then they launch back getting you once or twice. One of the boys then lunges forward knocking you off your feet, you manage to kick him away before he can continue and push yourself back to your feet just in time to dodge his next two attacks.

At this point you're nearly out of breathe

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