Rebels: Mitth'raw'nuruodo

From Create Your Own Story

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{Disclaimer: The character's backstory is credited to Timothy Zahn and the events that take place is not actually Canon in Star Wars Rebels as the credit goes to Dave Filloni and JJ Abrahms.}

You wake up in your room.

There is a dense fog lingering in your mind.

You don't remember where you are for a brief moment nearly causing you to freak out...until you heard this loud and clear announcement from the hallway.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn claims that he is close to locating the Rebel base here on the Chimaera..."

That is are Grand Admiral Thrawn. You are the one who is close to locating the Rebel base and you are onboard the Chimaera this instant.

You sigh in relief finally remembering relieving yourself.

Walking into your refresher with the fog lurking in your mind, you step into the shower believing it would clear your mind. You were dead wrong. The fog remained there

You scold at are supposed to be Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known in the galaxy as Grand Admiral Thrawn. The first humanoid to reach the rank of grand admiral of the Empire.

You need to locate the Rebel base...yet the fog would not allow you to focus. You must clear your mind. That is the objective.

After the quick shower you jumped into your white pants and threw on your vest with the colored plaque on. You clicked the silver buckle of the black belt on in order to start the objective. Where do you go?

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