It's not a cop

From Create Your Own Story

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"Tell me again what happened," the officer says. He walks up to you, stops when he is standing only a couple of feet from you. Because of the spotlight behind him, you can't see many details of him, just a dark figure in dark clothing.

"A maniac murdered my friends," you say, "and tried to kill me. He's chasing me through the woods now. He's right behind me, and he . . ." You break off, puzzled. Something isn't quite right.

Just as you realize that the figure you're speaking to not only isn't a cop, but isn't even human, he grabs you around the throat with his left hand. He starts to squeeze, and lifts you off your feet.

You try to scream, but with this creep's powerful hand choking the life out of you, you can't get a breath.

"Bullets can't kill me," the figure says, "but they do hurt."

With his right hand, the one he's not choking you with, the creep stabs you viciously in the belly, then over and over again in your chest, shredding your heart and lungs and slicing your breasts to hamburger.

You survive this horrific abuse for a surprisingly long time, but finally expire under his blade.

When the Sheriff's Department's deputies find their missing SUV the next day, your mutilated body is in the back seat. Your head is on the grill.

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:No One
Dead:Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie, You
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