The Golden Sword

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The Golden Sword is a group of people who are lead by a leader who is elected every 4 months. For more information on this, see the Political Information below. But at any rate, there always Secondaries. This in the person who was also running. There can only be one Secondary, but they can do certain things. To find the privileges, see the Ranking Privileges below.

Political Information

They can serve for as long as they are elected. The voting days are in April, Augest, and December. The exact date on which someone is elected ise the first Monday in each month there is an election. From the first day in the month before to the last day in that month a member can vote.

Ranking Privileges

Initiate—can edit, or add to, stories found in the Golden Sword Story Hub.

Member—can add stories in the Golden Sword Story Hub.

Official—can speak in the Golden Sword Debate Page, and can promote Initiates to Members.

Council Member—can promote Initiates→Members→Officials. Can also speak in the Council Page.

Chancellor—can promote Initiates→Members→Officials→Council Members and speak in the Council Page. There can be only one Chancellor.

Supreme Chancellor—can promote Initiates→Members→Officials→Council Members→Chancellor. May also speak in the Triumvirate. There can be only 1 Supreme Chancellor.

Secondary—can promote Initiates→Members→Officials→Council Members→Chancellor. Can also be part of the Triumvirate. There can be only 1 Secondary.

Leader—Also a member of the Triumvirate, can promote Initiates→Members→Officials→Council Members→Chancellor, can Transfer Leadership Directly to the Secondary only. At this point, the Supreme Chancellor becomes second, while the original Leader (before they decided to transfer leadership) selects a Council Member to be Supreme Chancellor, while they fill in the gap.

Important Notices

  • Looking for new Initiates! Come, step right up, earn your spot!
  • War of Caliburn: Go to the War of Caliburn page and start to create a spot for you, and begin to write... then graffiti other's works! Keep it G—PG-13 or risk being kicked from The Golden Sword!

[[Category: The Golden Sword

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