TSRM-Tell her to turn around

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:58, 20 March 2018 by Durzan (Talk | contribs)

"Alright... but something a little different this time." Your voice leaving some mystery to it and it's clear in Bayely's eyes that she is confused.

"Turn around, like sitting backwards in a chair." You mention and with haste to return to her game Bayley does so, her crotch risen from yours as she turns about and them comes to sit in reverse in your lap.

Coming down slowly from the slightly awkward position Bayley's sticky pussy slides down the length of your cock, starting at your head and then draping down till she rests just above your balls.

"Now what?" She questions looking into your eyes.

Reaching down you take a hold of her hips, and with some effort you pull her up, this time with more force you lean her weight into you as her pussy lips part sliding up your shaft. Bringing her to the tip of your dick you rest her there for a moment allowing for the warmth and wetness of her vaginal lips to be absorbed into your girth. After a pause you lower Bayley back down but as your do Bayleys legs take the load of her weight allow for a slower descent.

"Just like that?" Bayley questions one arm coming to rest on your shoulder.

"Just like that. Lean against me and do that, and once I... fire again, you can play." You confirm the order leaving Bayley to nod her head.

Placing both hands on your shoulders Bayley leans into your body, her pussy lips sucking at the base of your cock as ever slowly she starts to rise. Smearing wet lips up the length of your shaft Bayley works up and down, coming all the way to the tip of your dick and then sliding back down. Hands on her hips you guide Bayelys movement, keeping her on track with your cock with every movement she makes. Over and over Bayley repeats the action but with each repetition she beings to grown more bold, moving faster each time till a nice rhythm has been built up.

Eventually Bayleys arms are wrapped around your necks as her bottom contentiously slams into your lap with a wet smacking filling the air. Pleasure seeps through your body as with a rising tide of lust you feel your body ready to burst with seed.

"It's almost time." You grunt and with a readied reaction Bayley comes to a stop, rising to your head one last time and then going pass and back down as her lips open slightly over the tip of your dick.

"Ok, whenever you want." Bayley says rather casually, her thighs grinding back and forth to coax your dick to surrendering its cum.

Pulling down upon her hips with one last jerk your head once again slips partially into the opening of her lips. White lights flash before your eyes with a sudden burst of jizz fires from your cock and straight into Bayleys vagina. Grunting in pleasure Bayley outer lips suck and pull at your cock trapping any seed right inside her love tunnel. Grinding back and forth against your cock Bayley contuines to send waves of pleasure through your body till with a last spurt you are spent.

"Good...good girl...." You grunt before closing you eyes to relax.

Resting on the tip of your head for a few minutes longer Bayley grinds on you for a while longer till your cock beings to relax to its normal state. Seeing this Bayleys lets you go and turns around to play on the computer once again.

You awaken some time later in the night, sleep fresh in your eyes. With blurry vision you make out the sleeping form of Bayley, her head resting silently against your chest as she breathes softly in sleep. Stretching your stiff limbs you take notice of your once again hardened cock as its pressure between Bayleys legs and crotch, you cant help but think that Bayley made it so.

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