Pay Mel another visit

From Create Your Own Story

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Your round is exceedingly uneventful. No sex, no biting dogs, not even an invite to have a cold drink! All the way around you'd been hoping for more action, but the only sack that you've emptied is the one containing post.

You remember what Mel had said: "Any time you want my body, it's yours." So, you make your way to her office to see if she would honour her promise.

You're horrified to find that her office is empty, save a deserted desk, an empty bookcase, and an IT technician.

"Miss Budworth was fired this morning," the bespectacled teenager says, "Something about inappropriate behaviour at work."

Your heart stops for several seconds. You're sure you hadn't been seen. Are you next in line to be fired?

"I overheard the conversation with her manager," the technician continues, "The cleaner came in here yesterday and found her half-dressed, sitting on her desk with mess everywhere. She said she'd been masturbating, and there was nobody else involved. Not sure I believe that though. I reckon..."

You cut him off, mid-sentence, "I don't think we should speculate on something that's none of our business."

You feel both guilty and relieved. She could have easily incriminated you. You owe her, big time.

On returning to your locker you find a scrap of paper with an address scribbled on it, signed with a single letter: M.

Health {{{Health}}} Identity:

Jack Foster, Postal Worker

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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