Serenity: deal

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:55, 8 February 2018 by 117 (Talk | contribs)

Serenity rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. She didn't have much going on tonight, so what's the harm with messing around on the net for.

Ok, me first! What's your name?

Serenity hesitates to reply by giving out her name, if she lies, will this guy know? He's hacked into your camera for a reason, would he know if she was lying? Serenity decides it's best to give only her first name.


Wow, pretty name. You not lying are you?

No, that's my real name. How about yours?

I believe you Serenity. My name is Alex

Alex... That name didn't give out much the stranger. Both a guy and a girl can have that name, meaning it still wasn't clear on who was on the other side.

How old are you Serenity?

I'm 21

Very nice and what state do you live in?

Hey, that's not fair! You asked me two questions in a row!

Oh sorry, I didn't know that was a rule. Well... Since you added in a rule, I'll add one in too... If I catch you lying, you have to do something that I tell you to do... Fair?

NOTE: Every answer you choose this isn't marked as FALSE will be truthful in Serenitys' case

Serenity: that's fair

Serenity: unplug the camera

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