
From Create Your Own Story

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You have not had much time to think about laying out your plan, but know you need to be careful in how tell her. She can get very emotional real quick, which means she is liable to strike out at you without letting you go over everything. You know you have to be very cautious of every word you choose if you want to get results.

You say, "Brandy quit for the same reason the others quit."

Wilma says, "That doesn't make any sense. She got along great with the children. She wouldn't just quit."

You say calmly, "Wilma, our children are a handful. I don't know if we are going to find anyone else."

She looks at you with concern and says, "We have to get her back. We need a babysitter. They are too young to be left on their own."

You say, "I don't know how you plan on getting her back. None of the others came back. The kids are just too difficult for her to handle. We need to come up with some way of getting them to behave themselves a little while we are gone."

She gets a shocked look on her face and asks, "You don't mean spanking them do you?"

You want to say it is too late for that. What is needed is something for more effective than spanking. However, you hold your tongue.

You shake your head and say, "Not spanking, but we need to do something."

Susan and Jason come racing out of whichever room they were fighting in and start shouting for dinner.

Wilma says, "Your daddy and I are talking. I will make dinner soon."

Susan kicks Wilma in the shin and shouts, "Make me dinner."

Before your wife can respond to the kick, Jason bites her arm, then says, "Make me dinner."

Your wife is about to say something, when your kids start to shout in unison, "Make me dinner, bitch. We're hungry, bitch."

You see anger well up in your wife and know it is just what you needed. This is the first time they have done anything like this and you know they must have been plotting for them to say that to your wife in unison. You want to say something, but let your wife take the lead.

Your wife yells at them as she says, "How dare you call me that. Both of you go to your rooms."

They yell back and say in unison, "Make my dinner, bitch. Make my dinnner, bitch."

You restrain yourself to allow your wife to continue. She smacks both of them hard on their asses and they cry out in pain. They both run to their rooms and slam the door. You can hear them calling your wife a bitch over and over again.

Your wife starts to calm, then says, "Your right. We need to do something. What do you have in mind?"

You say, in a straightforward manner, "We need to create a punishment and reward system for them. They need to know their are real consequences for their actions, both negative and positive."

Your wife nods, but remains silent.

You continue by saying, "I know this is going to sound drastic, but I think we need to go way outside of the box on this."

Your wife prompts you by asking, "Well, what is it?"

You wait a moment, then say, "Sex."

It takes a moment to sink in as she processes what you just said. You know it is a lot to handle. Your kids are stilling calling her a bitch, which plays into your favor.

You expect your wife to get angry, but instead asks, "How can we use sex in that way?"

You say, "You would be responsible for Jason and I would be responsible for Susan. When they misbehave, they have to do something sexual. When they behave, they are rewarded with something sexual."

You can tell your words are not lost on her at all. You were expecting an immediate no, or to get thrown out, but instead she is thinking about what you said. The children get louder with their yelling and she cannot mistake them calling her a bitch.

Your wife tells you:

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