Say nothing.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:32, 7 October 2017 by Dad- (Talk | contribs)

Veronica chuckled. "I was there for, what, three months? Hmmm...not quite one hundred, but at least ninety?" You almost choked. The thought of your own daughter sleeping with almost a hundred guys...but you weren't angry. You felt jealous. You felt turned on.

The cab driver looked quite uncomfortable, and Amelia was startled, but impressed at the same time. Almost even proud. "Looks like we raised our little baby to be a slut!" she joked. Veronica laughs and says, "I learn from the best! Like mother, like daughter."

Suddenly the cab hit a speed bump. Veronica's body jerked, and you instinctively grab her by her hips. Her asscheeks slam right down on your cock. It hurts, but you feel something much worse. Your dick beginning to grow.

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