Andromeda/Green dress

From Create Your Own Story

< Andromeda
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The green dress. The one that offsets your skin and makes your eyes glow with an inner emerald fire. It has a simple flowing skirt and gathers in around your middle. It has a low neck line that shows off a fair amount of skin while wide straps keep it on your shoulders. You wear a woven leather belt with a simple but sharp dagger resting on your hip, it never pays to be defenceless. On your feet go elegant silver sandals.

Dressed, you leave your chambers and descend into the castle. As you enter the main hall your father and a pair of guards rush toward you. “Come quickly” your father says as he and the guards lead you down a small passage, one that you know exits outside the walls, some distance from the castle.

As you hurry down the tunnel your father explains what is happening. “We've prepared transport for you, these two are my finest guards. They will escort and protect you. I fear I have made a mistake in choosing your husband. Many lords wished for your hand and many of those whom I did not consider have banded together. Word reached me only this morning, they plan to kidnap you and marry you to one of their number. We sent your carriage north, into their ambush. You will ride south and meet your soon to be husband in a small village two days ride from here.”

You reach the end of the tunnel and see three horses ready with supplies. One of the guards helps you into your saddle, and once you are seated they both mount their horses. “We will guard her with our lives m’lord” one of them says before urging his horse into motion. You give a wave to your father as you begin to follow. You can see tears in the corners of his eyes.

As you ride you ask your guards for their names. Daniel has been serving your father for six years and is much younger than Enrick, who has been serving your father since before you were born.

You decide to ride next to:



Health 100 Equipment:

Green Dress, Dagger

Stamina 100
Mood Calm Inventory:


Purse 50, 100, 150
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