YArpg- Entertain yourself with the staff

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to have a little fun with your new toy. You're not sure how to cast advanced spells, or that you're even able to, but you think that channelling your desires into the staff should suffice at least when it comes to controlling the vines.

Before you begin, you examine your assailant. She has extremely long brown hair that reaches her knees, bright blue eyes, and long elven ears. You don't think she would have more than four years on you physically, although since elves age slower, she's probably older than she looks. Her skin appears to have once been pale but is now slightly browned. She wears a very small top that appears to made of leaves and almost manages to cover a pair of round breasts that are quite large but not out proportion with her relatively small frame. Her only other attire is a loincloth that just suffices to hide her genitals but exposes much of her butt.

You summon more vines from the ground and command them to fully restrain her. Her arms and legs tied firmly together, you approach her. You're not sure how to correctly remove her top, so you simply tear it off. Her breasts bounce slightly as you do so, and her nipples harden in the cool air.

You take one in each hand, fondling them and testing their consistency. They are light and squishy, and she winces as you squeeze them a few times before swiftly removing her loincloth. She lacks pubic hair, but this applies to elves in general, or so you've heard. She is only a little moist, unfortunately.

You summon a particularly large vine directly beneath her. She gets significantly wetter, seemingly in excited anticipation rather than out of fear. You're glad she's having fun as well, although you didn't think druids liked nature this much!

The vine begins to penetrate her, and her eyes widen as a moan escapes her lips. You sense it quickly reach her core, and it begins to thrust. You're surprised at how easily it fits, and it suddenly occurs to you that she has probably done this before. At least you get to visit the city and meet girls every so often. This druidess living alone, on the other hand, must get a lot of pent-up desires.

You remove her restraints and instead have another vine lift her completely off the ground. A third, slightly thinner vine breaks the snow and poises behind her, and at your consent enters her from behind. This time you sense a little resistance, so it moves slower in order to cause no harm. As it gets deeper, her moans get louder. She closes her mouth to hold back her pleasure, but her voice is still strong enough to be audible.

Your erection is just about ready to release on its own, which would be quite a waste, so you put it in her mouth. She gladly attempts to suck it, but is distracted by her own pleasure. She moans intensely and repeatedly from her triple penetration, sending vibrations down your shaft. For added measure, you grab her breasts and fondle them. You imagine she would be screaming with ecstasy if her mouth was empty.

You feel yourself reaching your climax, and you judge that she is too. The vines that thrust into her are soaked and almost sloshing in her fluids. You pull away and shoot several times onto her bouncing breasts. She takes this opportunity to let out a scream of pleasure as a fresh wave of liquid squirts out of both of her holes and onto the snow below.

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