YArpg- Entertain yourself with the staff

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to have a little fun with your new toy. You're not sure how to cast advanced spells, or that you're even able to, but you think that channelling your desires into the staff should suffice at least when it comes to controlling the vines.

Before you begin, you examine your assailant. She has extremely long brown hair that reaches her knees, bright blue eyes, and long elven ears. You don't think she would have more than four years on you physically, although since elves age slower, she's probably older than she looks. Her skin appears to have once been pale but is now slightly browned. She wears a very small top that appears to made of leaves and almost manages to cover a pair of round breasts that are quite large but not out proportion with her relatively small frame. Her only other attire is a loincloth that barely suffices to hide her genitals but exposes much of her butt.

You summon more vines from the ground,

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