7.9F40MB/Have your children lick your asshole

From Create Your Own Story

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While you wait for your son to get hard again, you decide to try something that has never been done to you before. Had it not been for the desire that has built inside you, you never would have thought about it. You lay on your back and bring your knees up while propping your head on a pillow. That way you can watch your children when you give them the command.

Once ready, you say, "Son, I want you to lick my asshole. When I say change, move so your sister can lick it as well."

Without any thought, your son moves into position and you watch as his tongue makes contact. The feeling is far better than you thought it would be, as you feel his tongue work a part of you that had never been touched by anyone else. After a short time, you tell them to change and watch your daughter get in the same position and immediately go to work. The feeling is every bit as good as when it was your son's tongue.

You have them change several times, and each time the desire drops a little, but is is still too great to stop.


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