Accept the drink from Al

From Create Your Own Story

You accept the drink and take a few gulps from it. He dose the same and you both start to talk and drink some more. After a few beers he gives you a depressed sigh and when you ask him what's wrong. He says.

"My dateing life. Every woman I've gone out with leaves me in a week."

You frown and say that it's too bad since he's such a nice guy. Secretly you also feel bumbed that this guy isn't gay. At least that's what you think. Then Al smiles and says.

"That's why I think I need to. Um. Broaden my search."

You feel his arm rap around your shoulder and you look over to him and see him smiling.

"I w-was wondering if you'd go out with me. I mean you're already on my ship."

You smile and agree to be his boy firend by..

Kissing him

Grabbing his dick

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