Just let your woody be

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:37, 13 March 2017 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You have nothing to be ashamed of, you think. So you're attracted to girls who can do back flips and shoot guns. Why should that be considered inferior to a man who has "mainstream" sexual likes of big tits and a big ass?

You continue enjoying the sexy movie. When it's over, you say, "That was a good movie, wasn't it, Anna..."

You suddenly realize that you are alone. On the seat where Annabelle had been sitting is a folded note. You open it and read it:


I saw your erection at the scene where the heroine did back handsprings while shooting her gun. I'm sorry, but a guy should be able to control himself in public better than that. And frankly, I'd rather have a man with normal sexual likes than one with unusual fetishes like yours. It may be unfair for those fetishes to be considered inferior, but hey, life isn't fair.

I really can't hang out with you anymore. And it'd be too awkward for us to work together now. I hope you can do the mature thing, come in tomorrow morning, get your stuff, and officially resign. I'd rather not have to fire you.

Sorry about all this.


You sit in the theater and have yourself a good cry until the ushers kick you out.


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