Ask your mother to help you get ready

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You giggle slightly "I think it's a bit late for questions mom. Whatever happens today is going to happen regardless" Your mom smiles and nods in agreement "Very true. Do you feel prepared for today?"

"Honestly, I'm nervous. I feel like I'm going to do something embarrassing or run out of time or who knows what"

"It'll be fine honey. Even if something goes wrong, they'll be either be too proper to tell you or too drunk to remember."

you both giggle for a moment at your mom's joke. "Mom, could we get ready together? I think that would help alleviate alot of stress..."

"Of course my dear. We'll spend the day together"

You and your mother spend the day together. Between breakfast, cleaning, tending to hair, getting dressed, rehearsing for the event, nobody comes to bother you. No suitors, no younger brothers, even your honorbound guardian Lars knows not to be in sight when you are around your mother. As the event approaches, little stories and bits of encouragement tide off your anxiety. The coronation ceremony goes off without a hitch: it's the one ceremony in your kingdom where lip service to the old gods are paid, blessings of wisdom and health are asked for. Sacrifices and chants are made. Extended family and emissaries from all over come to watch, as well as join in the feast after. Several of them are the same suitors that came to call when you were still a princess, hoping to access the wealth and beautiful land of both you and your kingdom. It's a foolish endeavor, your kingdom is known as the land of the Maiden Queen for a reason. Still, it's cute to watch them try.

The coronation complete, you retire from your ceremonial vestments to something more appropriate to a celebration, and to your figure. A long red dress, perfectly fitted to your body and leaving nothing to the imagine. Gaps in the soft silk around your large chest and large ass intend to tantalize. It certainly does that; you can't even make it to your seat before men start to come after you. Lars manages to keep them away before you, at least until you sit down in the throne, but he can't keep them away all night, especially once dancing starts and the alcohol begins to flow. There's also your mother to see, and her new flame. One of the clerics from the temple also seems to speak with you, but his visit seems more professional

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