Begin playing with her tits like they're the controller.

From Create Your Own Story

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Once Adam is out from the corner of your eye and you hear him walking down the stairs you grab Kara breast and play with her nipples, you love pinching them and puling them. Just then Kara release a small moans and say "I knew this was going to happen, when I heard you were coming over, you always do this to me". She's right in a matter of fact, Kara had a huge crush on you since grade school and you never played much attention to Kara then. But as Kara started to get older you started to notice her more and more, and you still remember the night you took her virginity and made her into your sex slave.

It was the summer before you were a junior in high school, Adam’s parent were on vacation and the house belong to him and Kara, so you came over to hang out for a week before football camp started. That night Kara was having a sleep over with her friends while Adam and you played video games, eating pizza and drinking beer. Adam’s not a heavy drinker like you but by your third beer you need to take a piss, as you headed to the bathroom you overheard Kara and her friends talking about High school, and how fun it would be. Once done with the bathroom you were about to head back to Adam when you heard Kara and her friends talked about sex, it seemed to you that Kara tend to be the one with less experience of the bunch. You felt sorry for Kara because she hasn’t even kissed a guy yet and all her friends were sharing their stories, afterwards you joined Adam and started smoking a new batch of weed he bought and started playing in new video he bought for this occasion.

A couple hours later Adam decided to turn in for the night and you started to get the munchies, remembering a few slices of pizza leftover that the girls didn’t finish when you order the pizza lead you to the kitchen. As walked down the stairs you notice that Kara and her friends were fast asleep as you raided the kitchen for pizza, you found about six slices untouched and started eating a slice when you saw a figure in the shadows. To your surprised it was Kara, she join you for a slice of pizza as she asked you questions about high school out of curiously, pretty soon most of the pizza was gone and you two were outside by the pool talking like you never talked before.

Kara ended the conversation with “Had you checked out the pool house that was recently built by my parents”?

“No, I haven’t”, Kara took you by the hand and showed you the interior of the pool house, once inside Kara showed you around and showed you the small kitchen, the average living room, bathroom and finally the bedroom.

Next thing you know Kara was naked on your lap and making out with you, at first she was a horrible kisser, but you started teaching her how to get better, afterwards you lay her on the bed and climbed on top of her. You grabbed your dick and said “are you sure you want to do this Kara” she nodded yes and you started rubbing your dick against her pussy to get her juices flowing, she arched her back, grabbed the sheets and covered her mouth at that moment. You felt sorry for the girl but you never turned down a nice piece of ass virginity and you’re not going to start now then suddenly you shoved your dick with great force in her and broke her hymen. She then let out a small scream at that moment as you shove more of your cock into her, you fucked a lot of girls before and after Kara but you swear she was the tightest you ever fucked. You whispered, “sorry Kara but the hard part is over, once I start moving you will still feel a little pain but start feeling better”, you started fucking Kara gently and slowly like you two were lovers rather than making it meaningless one night stand.

About ten to fifth teen minutes later you came inside Kara tight box and thanks to your stamina you able to kept on going at it for a few more rounds. But the best part was that she was moaning the whole time you were in her and came about two times. You pulled out of her to change positions and Kara said “thanks that was really great”, and you responded with “sorry I’m not done Kara” and she was shock by that remark. She answered with “can I at least rest for a minute before you do it again” and you smiled and said “nope” as you shoved your cock back into her for a second time in a different position.

After fucking Kara for an hour and a half in different positions you finally pulled yourself out of Kara pussy. Her pussy was leaking some of your cum out, you told her to tighten her muscle to hold all your cum and forced her to clean your dick with her mouth. You said “Damn Kara, I believe that was the tightest pussy I ever been in and judging by the number of times you came and how much you moaned you enjoyed yourself”. Kara was a little embarrassed, as she sucked your dick cleaned and you said “so Kara would you want to do it again”? She looked up and said “well of course, who wouldn’t, no wonder people like to have sex so much, I wouldn’t mind being a slut in high school having sex with almost every guy I see”!

After hearing Kara said that you needed to explain to her that not all guys have big dicks like you and that sex would be different with another guy rather then you, after teaching her about sex for thirty minutes about the good and bad and people at school. She agreed to be your sex partner but she had to pretend she was only into girls and can’t have sex with another guy, and because your little exercise with Kara and lecture with Kara made her sleepy that she slept in the guest room bed naked. You took out your cell phone and took a picture of her sleeping with your cum coming out of her.

You left Kara sleeping and as you enter the kitchen you see Erica, looking through the pizza box for a slice or two, once she spotted you she asked “what happen to all the pizza?” You responded that you eat the last of it and she says “well maybe you can help me out”, she took you to a guest room and you fucked another virgin that night, problem was she wasn’t as curvy or tight as Kara but she was a boring pity fucked. You fucked her for about forty-five minutes took another picture and called it a night, went upstairs and crashed on Adam’s couch in the rec room.

You woke up around noon because to gun shots and girls talking down stairs, when Adam notice you were awake he asked what time you went to bed and thanks for not saving him a slice of pizza.

Later that afternoon Kara had to say good bye to her friends and join you and Adam in the rec room, she doesn’t mind watching especially since you and her shared a night.

Later that night after Adam went to sleep you showed her the picture you took and corner her to fuck again, all over the house. The lines between constent and rape started to blur more and more with you breaking records and that’s how you spend that week at Adam’s, sleeping, playing games, eating and fucking his sister tight pussy after he fell asleep, and training her to be another one of your personal cum dumpter. On the first day of school Kara told you in secret that's she was pregnant with your child, but of course you talked her into a abortion as you came inside her, hell you impregnated her like once every 10 weeks.

When high school started she was like the girl every guy wanted to date, you always heard of guys hitting on her and her turning them down because she was into girls, and you reputation of being a player reached her ears. She was mad at you for that month of school, but she still let you fucked her, even late to class because she didn't want your cum leaking out as she entered a classroom and accept the fact that you fucked other girls without protection. But you still fucked her like three times a week for the next two years and she still the tightest girl you ever been with. Other girls you fucked have gotten to the point where you cum after a few strokes but with Kara, she's different you fucked her hard, fast, slow and gentle, but her pussy is always squezzing you every time you two fuck, and because of that you never asked for anal. Which brings you here rubbing her breast, fingering her pussy, and kissing her while Adam feeding the dogs.

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