Get the grocery shopping out of the way(BW)

From Create Your Own Story

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Not wanting to go home to early Emma heads for the local store to pick up some groceries, She hadn't used the store before and it was only a little out of her way. Emma made her purchases quickly and leaves the store walking through the parking lot carrying the grocery bag.

"Hi there sweet thing that bag looks heavy you need help getting it home?"

Emma turns towards the voice on her left, a black teen is talking to her his head hanging out of the rear window of the muscle car he's in.

"No thanks."

"This is a rough neighborhood the only reason a pretty white MILF like you would come down here is if she's looking for some nigga cock." His brash statement causes Emma to blush and she quickens her pace. The car he's in speeds up to match her pace. "I'm not hearing a no, me and my three friends have all the nigga cock you need."

She reaches the edge of the parking lot and turns towards home the car turns with her and keeps pace with her before pulling slightly ahead and stopping. the black teen steps out of the car slams the door and the car pulls away. The teen is tall and lean and steps in front of her and takes the grocery bag off of her.

"Please, I can manage." Emma tells him.

"Relax Red, I'll still have plenty of energy left for you when I get you home."

Emma spent the next ten minutes walking with the teen unable to think of anything to say to get rid of him, she even briefly thought about calling the cops but what could she say, "I have someone helping me carry my groceries home."

"You live in a better neighbourhood than me, Red."

"Emma, my name's Emma!"

"My name's Ty, short for Tyrel, no one in my crew uses their real name, Red."

"I'm not in your crew Tyrel."

"Of course not, Red, you won't be part of my crew until you've been filled with some nigga cock."

Emma continues on in silence not sure what to say, when she reaches the front door she unlocks it and turns to take the groceries off of him.

"That's okay Red, I'll carry them in let you put them away and we'll get started."

"I really don't have time for anything, it's after lunch already once I've put these things away it won't be long until I have to pick up my son from school."

"So that's why you didn't want to entertain me and my friends, not enough time?"

"Yes that's it."

Emma tells him, he hands her the groceries and walks away.

"See you around Red."

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