TPM: To the Sanctuary

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:04, 16 January 2017 by KingofMayhem (Talk | contribs)

You find yourself in an small, open courtyard of sorts, with a portcullis on one side and a stone archway with a path leading down on the other. The holocron behind you hums and vibrates softly. You decide that the archway is the only choice and head down.

You soon find yourself in a Dark Side sanctuary. Zuliana is quivering in pure terror. You do your best to calm her with the Force, but it only reduces her panic to a strong paranoia. You explore each chamber before deciding to explore the deeper into sanctuary. You go through a massive door to find yourself in a large, spherical room with a circular platform in the middle, 6 thrones sprouting from its edges on stem-like, curving stone supports, and a massive Sith holocron in the middle of the platform.

You approach the holocron and sense immense Dark Side power emanating from it. You reach out with the Force, and suddenly, a wave of darkness explodes from the holocron. A misty-white presence in the Force emerged from the holocron, and you realize with fear and horror that you have unleashed a dark spirit! You raise your mental defenses and prepare to fight off the invader, but to your surprise and further horror, the presence enters Zuliana, and she collapses to her knees as a dark aura surrounds her. She gives one last cry as the spirit swallows the last of her consciousness, then the darkness enters her and she rises to her feet, a new look on her face.

"Ahhh!" She sighs, although the voice, speaking in Basic with an accent you can't quite place, isn't quite her own. "It's been soooooo long!" She looks down at her hands and scantily clothed body. "Mmm, a suitable vessel," she looks up at you. "Although her connection to the Force is weak." Your head is spinning. Zuliana had a connection to the Force? It truly must have been weak for you not to sense it. That is good news then, whoever this is they shouldn't be able to access all of their old power, that should give you a fighting chance.

The spirit possessing Zuliana begins to walk towards you, stopping when you draw your lightsaber and activate it, the blue blade seeming to glow dimmer in the unnatural darkness of the room. "Don't come any closer," you warn them.

"Awwww, now young one, is that any way to treat a lover?" Zuliana's lips ask you, and you find yourself having to resist the urge to put away your weapon.

"You just killed my lover." You spit back.

"But she was weak-willed," the spirit responded in a seductive tone, continuing to move sexily towards you, distracting you by swaying Zuliana's hips. "And besides, she couldn't teach you to unlock your full potential..." Your interest, and your lust, peaked, you ask:

"My full potential?"

"Yesss." The stranger continues to approach you as she speaks. "I can teach you about the Dark Side, I can see it has opened your eyes, and I want-" She stops right in front of you, drawing her body coyly up to you, rubbing her near-naked form against you and looking into your eyes. "to teach you."

"What is your name?" You ask, transfixed by your former lover's violet eyes.

"My name is Nox." The spirit replied. "Darth Nox." Normally the thought of being so close to a Sith would have panicked you, but you only feel a strange sense of intrigue. Perhaps it has something to do with the bulge in your pants.

"Were you - female? When you were alive, I mean."

Nox seems amused by the question. "Of course" She says, giggling. "I am ALL woman. Allow me to-" She glances down as she slips her hand into your briefs and seizes your now erect cock. "- prove it to you."

TPM: Let the Sith seduce you
TPM: Take charge and fuck the shit out of her
TPM: I'm not so sure I want to fuck a Sith...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Phantom Menace

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