TPM: You are satisfied for now, talk to her about Oricon

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You leave the engine room after instructing Zuli to clean up and meet you in the cockpit. A few minutes later she enters in her slave girl outfit and takes a seat in the co-pilot's chair, sitting cutely on the edge of the seat facing you.

"Zuli," you begin, choosing your words carefully. You don't want to scare her, but you want to make it clear that where the two of you will be hiding out is dangerous. "The moon we're going to: Oricon, it's not very safe." She continues looking at you, accepting your words as readily as she accepted your cum. "It's a very dark and evil place, but its the only place where we can truly hide from the Jedi." You wait for her to ask questions, but she simply smiles, leans over, and kisses you on the lips. When she pulls back the love in her eyes is shining, and her dedication is apparent.

"Zuli will go anywhere, as long as master is there." She places a hand on your leg, stroking it gently. You return her smile, the corners of your mouth tugged up by invisible hands.

"Good." You say and Zuliana leans back a little farther, removing her hand from your leg.

Minutes later, you emerge from hyperspace and the red moon of Oricon fills the viewport.

"By the Force." You curse softly as you feel the wave of ancient Dark Side energy wash over you. This planet has been wholly corrupted by the Dark Side, the Dark Side auras of Moraband and Dromund Kaas, also Sith strongholds at the same time as Oricon, have lost their potency over time. But Oricon's hasn't waned. If anything it appears to have grown stronger. Perhaps the Sith discovered a way to corrupt the planet itself, so instead of latent Dark Side energies, the planet produced its own Dark Side aura, even in the absence of the Sith.

You land the ship on the first landmass you can find, and when you walk down the open boarding ramp the heat hits you like a sweeping blow from a Rancor. Zuli, following you down the ramp, seems frightened and timid. She attaches herself to you and you place a comforting hand on hers. You kiss her before speaking:

"Don't worry, I will protect you." She seems to accept this and rests her head on your shoulder. At least she won't be too hot in that outfit, you say to yourself, noticing that you are beginning to sweat profusely. You quickly disrobe, keeping only your sleeveless undershirt, your briefs, and your belt with your lightsaber clipped onto it. You certainly look a little ridiculous, but its a small price to pay for not suffocating.

You gaze around at the landscape, and notice what may have once been some sort of watchtower in the distance. Scanners would have picked it up normally, but Oricon's atmosphere all but disables traditional sensory equipment and scrambles scans. Another advantage to protect you and your new fucktoy from being found.

You and Zuli re-enter the ship and take off to fly over the kilometers separating you from the tower. Upon landing at the tower's base, you...

TPM: Convince a reluctant Zuliana to come with you for her own safety
TPM: Tell Zuliana to stay in the ship, and that you will lock it behind you

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Phantom Menace

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