A Human Girl in Heat- Skirt- Go for a walk

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide that it's too nice a day to stay indoors. Declining your father's offer, you announce that you're going for a walk. Your mother is quick to remind you about your condition, but you ensure her that you'll be fine. With that, you turn and head outside.

As you walk out onto the porch, you're immediately heat by the sun's warmth. It's a truly beautiful day, the flowers are in full bloom; the grass is a dark green, smelling freshly cut and the hedges that separate your and the neighbours gardens are well tended. You take a deep breath of the fresh spring air. Suddenly, you feel a slight warmth between your legs. Closing your legs together, you realise that the pheromones in the air must be responsible. You sigh, knowing that if you want to go outside this season, you'll have to learn to grin and bear it. Gingerly taking a step off of the porch, you blush; embarrassed by your own arousal.

Halfway down the path to the road, you're startled by a loud barking. You turn to see the neighbour's dog peering over the top of the hedge, growling at you. He's usually a little aggressive, but you've never seen him quite like this. You wonder if something;s wrong.


Ignore him

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