ROTJ: Luke Skywalker: Refuses to enter the door

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Luke Skywalker

Though you have submitted to Palpatine willingly, there is a part of you that is sensing something dangerous and potentially bad through those doors. You stand your ground and look back into the eyes of the Emperor, shaking your head defiantly. "Not without my lightsaber," you state with firmness. The Emperor laughs at your defiance and motions at you with his hand, causing you to freeze up and be unable to move.

"If you won't obey my commands, than allow the force to do so. Guards - take him."

A guard clad in red hoists you up by the waist and carries you over their shoulder, walking to the room. You eye your lightsaber as it grows smaller and smaller, trying to focus intently on drawing it your hands with the force. It doesn't work. The guard throws you to the floor of the room - your body reacts naturally, the spell being freed as you sluggishly move your limbs.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Luke Skywalker
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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