Wait quietly inside the locker

From Create Your Own Story

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You lean back against the back wall of the locker and relax. Soon your eyes seem to close on their own.

You snap awake when the locker door is jerked violently open. A tall, muscular redhead is staring at you.

"Who locked you in the women's locker room?" she giggles. Before you can reply, she shoots a huge hand forward and yanks you out of the locker.

You blush violently. "Uh..."

"Never mind," she says. "I was going to do a workout, but I think I'll take you home with me and use you instead."

She clamps a hand over your mouth, uses her other arm to scoop you against her chest and secure you, and starts powerfully striding towards the exit.

Health Horny Location:

The Gym

MP 0
Level 2
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