Chelsie - Shopping - T-Shirt/Panties/Sneakers - Movie Theater

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Condition A little stressed Apparel and Items: T-Shirt, Panties, Socks, Sneakers, Purse
Day, Time Saturday, 9am
Need to Use the Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation None

After wandering around a bit, the brunette found herself in movie theater. A matinee ticket only cost $10 and came with a complementary snack or drink of the customers' choice. Chelsie grabbed her ticket and free drink and walked inside. While the hallway was occupied with patrons buying popcorn and looking at posters for upcoming movies, her particular theater was empty. It was still well lit and the brunette could clearly see that all the seats were empty. This was not a big surprise seeing as the film was six weeks old.

Chelsie had actually seen it on its opening weekend with her family, sans her mother. It was one of those superhero movies that was tied to a comic book series that Chelsie didn't really understand. Her brother talked about it all the time but none of the information registered, even when the brunette tried listening. The film was considered to be an all-around success and was praised by many. It was fill with action, comedy and self-references that fanboys like her brother and father loved. Even to a non-'hardcore' fan like herself, Chelsie enjoyed enough of the spectacle to overlook the film's plotholes.

The best thing about the film, in Chelsie's eyes, was Mark Xalyn. He played the leading man. He was charismatic, kind and could act when he needed to. He was also drop-dead gorgeous, the type of look Hollywood drools about in their sleep: a strong chin, crystal blue eyes and soft lips. The press said that he let his 'gray out' for the picture so he'd look more distinguished. Chelsie thought that was a lie. The man was only thirty years old. His hair couldn't be turning gray. Although, Chelsie admitted to herself, he does make graying hair look good. The brunette tried not to think about the actor anymore and took a seat in the middle of the theater.

The film played on and Chelsie tried to enjoy herself. However, the teen kept noticing another element of the picture: Amelia Natchles. She played the partner and romantic interest of Mark. She was witty, caring and a great actress. She was already well-respected and, while this film wasn't the classiest, it had doubled her audience. Physically, Chelsie could help but feel that she was her opposite: her golden skin, mature face and fully developed body. The brunette felt like a pasty thin shadow whenever Amelia was onscreen. The worst part was that Ms. Natchles had two sexually implicit scenes with Mark Xalyn. She got to straddle him in the second one! Chelsie could see Mark undressing her with his beautiful eyes. The teen eased her slick hand from the cup to ball it into a fist.

The brunette sighed. She knew getting angry at a movie screen would get her nothing. She also knew that she had next to no shot of ever having Mark Xalyn caress her in his arms. Although, that wouldn't stop her from dreaming about it. Chelsie leaned back into her seat and rolled her panties down to her knees. She began working up and down her labia with her cold fingers. Her other hand started rubbing her breasts. She focused on Mark's voice. Soon, the words that were being said turned into the words that she wanted to hear. She was getting faster. Her moans were getting louder.

"Wait," she panted, "that's not my voice."

Chelsie fell quiet but the moans continued. The brunette turned to see a woman few rows down bouncing on something. It didn't take Chelsie too long to figure it out.

Oh God, they're fucking! Someone's fucking in the theater! the teen thought. She felt herself twitch with excitement at thought of someone sharing such an act with her.

Chelsie - Theater - T-Shirt/Panties/Sneakers - She continues masturbating alone.

Chelsie - Theater - T-Shirt/Panties/Sneakers - She asks to join them.

Chelsie - Theater - T-Shirt/Panties/Sneakers - She films the two in secret.

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