Now, here you are.

From Create Your Own Story

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You rise the next morning, bright and early. In all honestly, you hadn't been able to sleep last night. Your hand maid walks in, suprised that you were up this early.

"My lady!", she curtseyed, "Good morning."

She moved over to your closet and began pulling out several dresses for you to chose from for the day.

"Which one would you like to wear today?"

Green- It was your mother's. Old and moth bitten, it brings back bad memories. However, if you wear it perhaps you may convince the servants that you are still mourning and they will leave you alone.

Grey- Long and flowing, this dress has no hint of revealing what lies beneath. It even has it hood. You feel it reflects your mood.

Gold- Extravagant and over the top, the dress is decorated heavily with glass beads and gems. You're eyes hurt from looking at it.

Brown- Bland and uninteresting. You have no idea why this dress was made. Kind of like you.

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