FMS/Tales from a raider/FS-Bitch1

From Create Your Own Story

Girl known as bitch, like all other female members of her raider band. Was born from a slave of the raider group. Acts in a provocative manner, being sexually overt towards almost everyone.

After discussing and finding out story, the sexual behavior is both a coping mechanism, and is a learned way to get basic needs fulfilled, like food.

Mother died after raider choked her to death while she was approximately 6. At age 7, she found out that females get food only when males offer, as she had taken food from the raider stock and was punished by being tied to a tree and warned to be quiet, or else the deathclaws would get her. After puberty, she discovered what it meant to be a female in this tribe. Her "first" knocked out a tooth when she tried to resist. She has learned that she should be in one of two positions for any male in the group: On her back with her legs spread wide, or on her hands and knees with her raider furs pulled up.

As such, she has learned to offer herself to avoid pain as much as possible, as well as to get food, water, shelter. Mentality is still that of a child though, and hatred for the males in her band is strong. But on the surface, she acts like a wanton slut, accepting any guy who wants her, and doing anything the male raider requires.

"Hey pretty lady," the raider states as you approach her. "Need company?"

While you have had male and female lovers, the idea of company from her holds no appeal for you.

"No thanks," you tell her. "I just want to know a bit about you."

She spreads her legs, revealing her bushy busy, and raw vagina. "Sure you not want...something?" She says. "I could help you. I bet you taste real nice."

You shake your head no. "Sorry, I am not here for that. I want to know about you, about your life, your band, your society."

She lets out a cackle. "I bet you have gentle men. Men who make you happy. Lay you down all sweet, gently, gently inside you."

You shake your head, not wanting to discuss your sex life with this girl.

"Let me start with your name. What is your name?"

"Bitch." She says simply.

You blink. "Hey, I asked a simple question. What is your name?"

"My name be bitch." she says. You look at her, puzzled, but finally understand she was not calling you a bitch, but was simply telling you her name.

"But, why bitch?"

"Because that is what I am called. My name bitch."

She pauses, smiling, legs still spread. "Take off them pants. I is good at lick lick. Pretty lady tastes nice."

You sigh. "No, I want to discuss you, and your band. I want to understand your society."

She laughs. "You want discuss all them things, you best talk to leader. He be good at discuss all them things, not bitch. I be good at licking pretty lady. You no like lick, I can give show." She starts masturbating in front of you. You look away, disgusted.

"Please stop. Pull your furs back down." You notice out of the corner of your eye that she complies, pulling her fingers away from her vagina and pulling her furs down to cover herself again. At least as much as she can, given how short they are.

"Why you want to know me? I am just bitch."

"Because, I would like to understand raiders better. Why they refuse to move into the settlements, and follow set rules. I mean, how do you survive? With all the mutated creatures out in the world, ready to kill you. With food hard to find. Why stay isolated? I know settlements have rules, but wouldn't that be better than risking death?"

She looks at you, and you can see from her expression that she does not seem to understand.

"Let me start simply. How did you join this band?"

Bitch's expression changes, and her eyes scrunch, like she was trying to stop herself from crying.

"I born raider."

"How does that happen? Tell me about it."

Then, she starts talking, and telling me her story.

Bitch's mother was a raider slave, captured on a raid against a group of travelers.

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