From Create Your Own Story

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You choose a dark blue jacket along with drab brown cargo jeans. Underneath, you're wearing a white T-shirt, as well as one of your boxer briefs. After gathering your things, you slip on your shoes and walk outside, locking your door and leaving for the clinic. You take your car and drive to the clinic, a lengthy drive as the clinic is quite some distance away from your home. After parking your car and stepping inside the clinic, you meet with the receptionist, who informs you that your physician is waiting for you. After walking around aimlessly, you find his office. It is a small room, the cyan walls heavily decorated with awards and paintings.

Inside, you see your physician, who is an old man in his late sixties, sitting on his chair.

“Are you Mickey Bryans?” He asks

“Yes” You answer

“For real?”


He sighs. He probably still thinks this is some kind of joke.

“Alright, here’s what I’m going to do” He says “I’m going to take a blood sample from you, and have a female nurse measure your height and weight, as well as examine your body. After I have the results from the test, I’ll send you the results.”

“Thanks doctor”

“I still have my doubts though. Are you sure you’re not just acting for your boyfriend?”

“I thought we went over this. I’m serious”


You sit still as he uses a syringe and takes a small amount of blood from your arm. He leaves for a while, and comes back with a nurse. She takes you outside his office and measures your height and weight, jolting down the numbers, before moving you behind curtains. After taking off your clothes, she examines your breasts and vagina. It feels very embarrassing though, being examined like an object. Finally, she tells you to get dressed.

“Hey Doc,” You say, walking up to the old man “When do I get the results?”

“These things take time. I already told you, I’ll send you the results when I get them.”

“Oh, sorry.”

You leave the clinic and get back into your car. As you get in, your phone rings. You check it, and after seeing it’s a text from a friend, you read it.

‘Hey, do u wat to hang out w/ me?’


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