BAJ/Respond calmly

From Create Your Own Story

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"Please," she says in a calm, but pleading tone. "He can't find out about this. I will lose everything."

You are surprised when she does not react angrily. You had not really thought that far ahead, but figured she would put up a little bit of a fight before you make her your sex slave.

"It isn't right to keep this from him," you say in a disapproving voice. 'So close now,' you think.

"You can't tell him," she says. There are tears in her eyes.

"Tell him, I was going to show him. He has a right to know." Your response was filled with disappointment.

"That will destroy my marriage. I am your aunt. You can't do this to me,' she says defensively.

"I don't know," you say, knowing it will give her some hope.

"Is there anything I can do to keep you from showing him the videos?" she asks with a sorrowful voice, but just a hint of hope.

"I suppose there are some things you can do, but I still don't think its right," you say with a straight face.

"Anything. Whatever you want. Just keep this between us, please," she says with a lot more hope in her voice. Her tears are no longer streaming down her face.

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