Go to church

From Create Your Own Story

You drape a cloak around your shoulders and head across the chilly courtyard to the chapel for Mass. You slip in quietly and take a seat at the back; you know modesty is a great virtue, and you've been feeling unusually shy lately.

Before Mass begins you kneel and silently pray. You ask the Lord to protect your family and friends, beg forgiveness for your latest sins and pray for some insight into the meaning of your recurring nightmare. What disturbs you most about the dream is that you know you recognize the cloaked figure in the woods, but you can never recall its face afterwards. The idea of someone you love and trust turning into a demon sends chills to your very core.

As always, the Mass is sung beautifully and your heart is filled with the true happiness that only comes from God. As you walk back to your seat after receiving the Eucharist, each member of your household you pass beams at you. You've known each of these faces since before you can remember, and you love each of them so; you feel certain that none of them would ever knowingly harm you. You smile warmly back at each of them. As you kneel down again, a solitary tear runs down your cheek and you offer a silent thanks for your many, many blessings.

The Mass ends and everyone files out. Lately you've felt more attuned to the Lord's presence than ever; when you come here alone to pray in front of the altar you feel almost as if you can hear your prayers being answered, though you're not sure quite how. You:

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