Explain yourself to Willow and have your way with her?

From Create Your Own Story

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Walking back into your room, you see Willow sitting on your bed. She had taken her hair band off, allowing her hair to reach the middle of her back. Nadya is helping her into her new clothes. She is wearing white cotton panties and a white transparent robe, while Nadya is helping her into a pair of sandals with straps that go around her ankle. At the sound of the door opening, they turn to face you.

"My lord, she is almost ready." Nadya says cheerfully, just about to begin strapping the shoes on.

"She won't need those shoes until later." You say, dismissing her with a wave of the hand.

"My lord, what if you want her to accompany you out of the manor? She can't walk barefoot everywhere, yesterday..." She starts, before you grab her shoulder.

"You may come back tomorrow." You say, pushing her into the corridor and locking the door.

"What is it master?" Willow asks, walking up and placing a hand at either side of your waist. Instead of responding straight away, you turn around and kiss her on the mouth. Wrapping one arm around her waist, you reach into her robe and fondle her with the other arm. When she starts squirming and moaning into your mouth, you pause the foreplay, and decide to explain.

"One of the barons made a demand. Either I defile you, or two servants fuck you." You tell her, removing your clothes. "I'll be less rough than they would be."

Entirely disrobed, aside from pants covering your crotch, you begin undressing Willow.

"Master," She whispers, as her robe falls exposing her breasts. "Please be gentle."

You barely hear this, as you pull her panties down to her knees. Lifting her up, you carry her to the bed, and set her down. With wet eyes, Willow watches as you pull the rest of your clothes off. You notice her face redden deeply when she sees your 7 inch member.

"Master." She says, pulling her panties all the way off.

Hopping onto the bed, you straddle Willow and begin kneading her breasts. Willow moans in arousal, and lets out a yelp when you lightly bite one of her nipples. You stop, your hands resting on her breasts.

"Are you ready?" You say, placing her legs on your shoulders, and positioning yourself at her moist entrance.

"Yes master." Willow says, biting her lower lip. You lean in, and whisper into her ear.

"My name is Ludwig."

With that, you thrust into her, pull back a bit, and thrust again. You keep up this rhythm, using your hands to massage Willow's breasts, for ten minutes. You hear her moan loudly, occasionally trying to form words, then hear what she is saying.

"M-Master!" She moans, yelping when you slap her right tit.

"Say my name." You tell her through your grunts.

"Mas-Master Ludwig!" She moans, before screaming in orgasm. A while later, you yell out, coating her insides with your juices. Pulling out, you lay on your back next to Willow, and pull her in to lay on you. Feeling exhausted, the two of you pass out.


Waking up, you feel the bed shift and hear sniffling. Opening your eyes, you see Willow sitting on the edge of the bed, a sheet covering her below the navel. You hear another sniffle, and realize that it is her. You crawl over to her, and kiss her ear. She flinches, and turns to face you, a trail of tears on each of her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." You say, before she snaps.

"'Sorry'?" She hisses, before talking normally. "How are you sorry for defiling me! You bought me for the sole purpose of fucking me, and maybe even sharing me with your 'noble' friends." While you are in shock at this outburst, she continues. "Before I was a slave, I was the daughter of a pagan chieftain in a land now called 'Eyrland'. I had sisters and brothers from different mothers, and worshipped multiple gods. One of them was a goddess of art, beauty, love, and fertility. I prayed to make wonderful art, and pass these unto my children. The next chieftain, a well muscled blonde who I had a crush on, told me he would make me one of his 6 wives, and raided farms owned by Saxon nobles. The Catholic king of Saxoland didn't like that, and sent his knights and bishops to either force us into his faith, or kill us. My father ordered us to run, giving my sister Sheila his youngest son, Loku. Out of fifteen of us, six survived. All my brothers save Loku were killed, and only three of my sisters escaped. Sheila escaped into the wilderness with Loku, Grace ran with them, and Darcy ran off to join some alchemists. I was captured with my sisters Poppy, Tara, and Faith. The soldier who caught us took Poppy with him, leaving the three of us with his commander. He said if we did not convert, he would enslave us. Only Faith believed him. Later, I learned that the commander took her as a maid, then killed her when he found out she was carrying his child. Tara was raped so badly she died of internal bleeding. The rest of my village was killed off." She turns to you, glaring through her tears. Suddenly, she jumps onto you and began weakly slapping you. "Because of people like you, I lost my family!"

She goes to get a sword by the fireplace, but is interrupted by the door opening. Standing there is Baron Von Fergeson, Kowalski, and three guards. Smirking at the scene before him, Von Fergeson orders the guards to restrain Willow.

"Good thing I came in, weiß Gott if we hadn't come in. Otherwise, you'd miss your father's message." He said, pulling a scroll out. "Shall my guards deal with her?"

You consider this. Putting aside your feelings for her, she was about to kill you. She needs to be punished, yet shown that you care about her.

Let the guards deal out punishment?

Punish her yourself?

Have her locked up and isolated for now?

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