Sam C1- Wake up

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:06, 18 February 2016 by Dannitho (Talk | contribs)
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Mom and dad are fighting again. It's the middle of the night what the hell? Their shouts are more than eough to wake up the whole neighbourhood just like they woke me up. There are times when I simply cannot stand to hear their constant bickering and shouting, this is one of those times.

"Listen Michael, I signed a prenup when I entered this marriage, I am far more entitled to Sam than you are!"

"Well guess what, Jen, I also signed the prenup and as far as I can remember, we're both entitled to Sam!"

"Do you enough money for insure to cover both yourself and her with a huge debt? No? Well I wonder, is that because you lost all our money on your bankrupt business. I have enough saved to get Sam through college, and if that's not enough, my parents have alot of money to spare!"

"My business did not go bankrupt! It just simply hit few rough spots and I needed to pay out massive loans. It's starting back up better than ever and this time I will not have you take a part in any of it!"

I sigh, they're arguing about me again and money as well. I've heard worse though and this is only just the tip of the iceberg. To be completely honest, I am pretty surprised they haven't already beaten each other to death what with all this fighting. But then again, I'm glad it hasn't come to that. It's pretty traumatising for a kid to watch their parents fight physically.

I roll myself to one side, trying to not fall off my narrow bed. The floor's just a couple of inches down but I'd rather not risk it. I reach out and grab my phone which rested peacefully on my nightstand along with my star lamp and traditional alarm clock. Gosh, now that I think about i

updated 18/02/16

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