Katie runs away naked after the dog pulls out of her ass

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Revision as of 17:44, 3 February 2016 by ButtPee (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Dying off, with a sore anus Apparel and Items: Naked
Day, Time Friday, Rainy Morning
Need to Bathroom Need to Poop Soon
Level of Humiliation Humiliated That She Fucked A Dog

After Jon finishes cumming and removes his cock from Katie's mouth, she cries, collapsing onto the floor with the dog's cock stuck in her ass. Slowly, she pulls herself up and tries to pull free of the dog, with little success. As she whimpers on the floor, Jon quickly says, "I'm sorry, Katie. I just got so horny watching you."

Katie continues to cry, utterly shamed that she is stuck with the dog's cock up her ass. Jon sits next to her and holds her hand, but she wrenches hers away, looking at him with a pained look. "I wanted you to get him off of me. Don't touch me," she says through gritted teeth.

Jon backs away and, looking ashamed, gathers Katie's dirty clothes. "I'll go clean these. I'm so sorry, Katie. I'll be right back."

As Jon leaves, Katie gently pulls away from the dog, unable to extract his knot from her ass. Left alone with only the panting dog. Katie becomes all too aware of the sheer volume of cum entering her ass. Unable to escape, she waits on the floor until the door suddenly opens. Jon looks down on her from the doorway awkwardly.

"Um, I don't know what to do," he says apologetically, as he eyes her figure.

Katie struggles to cover her nipples, moving forward as she does so. Her movement, combined with the dog's retracting cock, cause her to finally break free. Realizing she's able to move, Katie quickly jumps up and makes a mad dash out of the bathroom. As she runs past Jon, Katie turns for the front of the house and tries to get away. Unfortunately, she slips in the hallway and falls over.

As Katie collides with the ground, her stomach gives a lurch and, to her horror, she starts violently shitting. Dog jizz and her poop blast out of Katie's ass, covering the floor behind her. Katie can no longer hold it in, as several logs, dented by the dog's cock, land on the floor. The hallway immediately fills with a horrendous smell, as Katie's tears begin anew.

As she lays on the floor crapping, Jon watches, his jaw agape. When she finally finishes, Katie crawls to her feet, her ass covered in shit. Katie continues to the door prompting Jon to yell out, "Stop!"

In fear, Katie turns around to look at Jon, covering her breasts and pussy just barely. Tears streaming down her face, Katie pleads with Jon, "Just let me leave!"

"Katie, you're in no state to go outside. Just stay here and let me take care of everything. I want to make it up to you," offers Jon. Katie considers his offer. She is fully naked and covered in claw marks and feces. It is also raining, and she's so late for school that she almost certainly won't be able to make it. On the other hand, this guy did just shove his dick in her mouth while his dog raped her ass. Looking down, she sees another boner in his pants outline.

Katie stays with Jon and he 'makes it up to her'

Katie bolts out the front door and tries to find somewhere near her house to hide until the school day ends

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