Stay in cover

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:11, 21 January 2016 by AC3ofAngels (Talk | contribs)

You decide that its much safer to stay behind your box. It's a nice crate, a friendly crate.

As the woman runs away, a large bearded man with a cutlass and a pistol stops by your crate.

"Blasted bitch! Stealing me money!" he shouts as he stops chasing. He looks over and notices you.

"I see that ye have the misfortune of running into that she-devil." he sheathes his weapons and helps you to your feet.

"The name's Gangplank. Allow me to compensate you for your troubles." He pats you on the back roughly and drags you away.

As Gangplank leads you... somewhere, you look at your surroundings. Bilgewater is... pretty shitty. It's a shitty little port town reeking of dead fish and gunpowder. Lots of the buildings are stained with dried blood and salt. The boards creak under your feet, making you fear that they might give way at any moment.

Gangplank nudges you and you realize that he's lead you to the largest ship in the port. You both board and he leads you into the Captain's chambers.

He sits in his worn out leather chair and lets out a long drawn out sigh. "That bitch has been me problem for too long, and she is just trouble for everyone. But that's not why we're here. Have a seat lad." He points to a chair, much less extravagant than his own.

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