Submachinegun kit: An MP-40 SMG with stick mags, 7 flash bangs, and lightweight grey battle fatigues, with a black helmet.
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 04:42, 31 December 2015 by Blue Warrior (Talk | contribs)
This class was made for aggressive action in urban warfare. Your SMG has 7 32 round stick magazines, and fires 9mm on full auto (effective range is 200 ft). You also get 64 9mm rounds so you can reload your mags some time. You also get 7 flash bangs, which blind and deafen people when you throw it at them like a grenade. Your grey battle fatigues are comfy, lightweight, and blend in well with urban areas, especially at night. Your black helmet adds some much needed protection. Will you pick this class?
Shotgun kit: A semi automatic drum fed shotgun, an automatic pistol, and heavy green armor.