Darklands/Character Sheet - Simona Messina

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:48, 18 December 2015 by Wannabe rockstar (Talk | contribs)



  • Full Name: Simona Francesca Messina
  • Common Name: Simona
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 17 years old
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 117 lbs.
  • Breast size: 34C
  • Waist: 27"
  • Hips: 36"
  • Skin tone: Olive
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Background: Wealthy rural family
  • Current occupation: Student


  • Endurance: High
  • Strength: Above average
  • Agility: High
  • Perception: Above average
  • Intelligence: High
  • Charisma: Below average

Special skills

  • Alchemy: Simona has never actually tried to brew a potion, but is fairly certain that with the right ingredients and a clear mind, she could brew some of the easier ones with little difficulty.
  • Religion: Simona's good understanding of Latin, the tutelage of her nun caretakers and access to the abbey's library have given her a solid understanding of Church doctrine. Her knowledge has brought her divine favor, though her faith is a little lacking.
  • Speak Latin: Simona's high intelligence has made her a quick learner, she speaks Latin very well.
  • Read and write: Simona reads and writes with ease.

Weapon proficiency

  • Melee weapons: Edged weapons
  • Missile weapons: Bows


Simona was born into a wealthy landowning family in the Sicilian countryside. When she was 9 years old, her idyllic, comfortable existence was shattered: her village was set aflame during the night by a neighboring baron, exacting revenge for a perceived slight against his honor by the ruler of their lands. Simona stumbled from the wreckage of her beautiful home, desperate to escape the suffocating smoke and find her family. Blinded by stinging tears, she tripped over a fallen timber in her yard and hit her head against a rock. When she came to and opened her eyes, it was to see her own father being thrown on top of a pile of burning corpses in the village square, while she could hear an inhuman wailing coming from behind the smouldering ruins of another house. Simona crept through the wreckage and hid behind a charred wheelbarrow. Peering over the top, she saw her mother and beautiful 16 year-old sister naked, being gang-raped by a group of armed men. Her poor sister's shrieks of pain, as two men mercilessly pounded her virgin holes, were silenced as another man grabbed her now-filthy golden tresses and rammed his cock straight down her throat. Her mother sobbed and screamed as a man, dressed much more richly than the others, pounded her asshole while another had her ample bosom wrapped around his cock and was thrusting violently into her chin. Simona could do nothing but stare, wide-eyed with terror, as the men destroyed her loved ones' bodies and, as they later lay semi-conscious at the men's feet, hacking up phlegm, blood and semen, were cruelly slain by the knight himself.

Days later, a nun found her unconscious at the side of the road and carried the orphaned child to the Cistercian abbey outside Messina, where she was slowly nursed back to health. At 12 Simona was sent by her protectors to study religion and law at the university in Messina, where through her discipline more than her intelligence she quickly became a star pupil. At 17, Simona still diligently pursues her studies, determined to repay the nuns for their charity, but with each passing month, her thirst for revenge against the man who murdered her family grows stronger. One of Simona's younger classmates, a rich nobleman's son who is greatly smitten with her, has been giving her combat lessons after classes, and has given Simona her first sword and short bow as a gift. Soon, Simona thinks, she'll be strong enough to leave the abbey and fulfill her true destiny.

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