Punch Chad in the face and go get your sister.

From Create Your Own Story

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After a moment's thought, you drive your fist into Chad's face. He falls to the ground, clutching his nose. You step over him and approach your sister.

As you grab Jessica's arm, you feel a crushing blow to your stomach. You look up to see all 6'5" and 350 lbs. of Donald, the team's center. He prepares to strike again, but you're ready for him this time. Aiming low, you send a thrust kick between his legs. He yelps and falls to his knees. You then launch a second kick to his throat, putting him down for the count.

"Who else wants some?" you shout to the rest of the players. You can tell they all want to kick you ass, but the sight of Donald on the ground has broken their spirits. "That's what I thought," you say. You grab Jessica's arm again and head out the door.

The moment you step outside, you see Chad struggling to stand up. "You can forget about that starting spot now," he growls. "Hell, don't even bother coming to practice again."

"Whatever," you reply. "The team sucks anyways." For good measure, you give him a second punch, knocking him out.

You head back home with Jessica. Strangely, she says nothing to you. She goes into her room and shuts the door.

You are:
Josh, age 18
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