Walk directly across the square to reach the Chinese restaurant

From Create Your Own Story

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The echo of your heels clattering over the cobblestones shatters the eerie silence. You certainly can't sneak here, but at least you can try not spraining an ankle. When you reach halfway across the open space, you hear the clink of a bottle, and you freeze.

What appears to be a street bum appears behind the nearest dumpster. A short but pudgy man with a wide face, wearing a ruined trenchcoat and sorry felker holds out a greasy bottle to you.

”Nice dress there, lady,” he croaks throatily. ”You fancy a bourbon? Or perhaps I can interest you in a sausage? Heh!”

He starts laughing but is cut off by a wracking cough, and then spits a gob of phlegm on the ground. He's disgusting of course, but if this is his home, he might have some genuinely useful intel on the restaurant. Besides, you can't run in these heels, and he would be all over you before you had time to take them off. Unless you play for time...

How do you answer him:

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