Leave the skeletons alone

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:36, 26 September 2015 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You decide not to disturb the dead warriors. Moving on, you make your way into another tunnel heading out from the far side of the large room.

You have not gone far when you hear a strange scraping noise ahead of you, coming closer and closer. Taking out your revolver, you grip it tightly in your left hand while holding your flashlight in your right.

Something appears around the corner. Skeletons. And they're walking. Armed with swords and spears, they seem to be grinning.

You turn and run, but freeze when you discover that the skeletons from the big room have all gotten up and are advancing on you. You are trapped between the two groups. You fire a shot at the nearest undead. The bullet makes a hole in its skull. Taking no notice, the skeleton keeps coming as if nothing ever happened.

Suddenly, there is a horrible pain in your lower back. You look down and see the tip of a spear poking out from your stomach. The well-aimed throw from one of the bony warriors behind you sent the weapon all the way through your body. Screaming in agony, you collapse to the cold stone floor.

Your revolver does some good in the end. Putting it in your mouth, you put yourself out of your misery.


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