2T4U/Blake/Tiffany/Try to possess your daughter Tiffany

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No, don't get distracted now. Besides, what are you thinking? Molesting your own daughter? No, get that thought out of your mind! Ok, time to do what you came to do. You start lowering yourself down, lowering your head into Tiffany's, almost like you are going to kiss her in her sleep. You just can't help but admire her beautiful sleeping face. You smile inwardly at seeing the 3 year old's angelic sleeping features, you can feel the gentle magnetism drawing you closer. You can feel yourself going into a bit of a daze, this is so weird! Ok, pull it together! Just dive!

Steeling up your nerves, you lower your head into hers and feel your feet go up over you and get sucked in. Suddenly, you feel like you've just been dropped off a cliff, and then your entire body gives a spasm of panic as you feel your body laying curled up on the plastic on the floor. You feel cold, especially in your legs. You can feel a draft up in your genital area, but something is a little off. You feel your hand down there covering that area, your fingers feel a little thick and clumsy, but that is most certainly not the most striking thing that is off. It is what your fingers are touching.

You feel gentle shivers go through your body as you run your fingers through the unfamilliar body part, a slit right down the middle of your pelvis, and running your fingers through it just fills your body full of some of the most wonderful feelings ever! The feelings you are getting from your groin are completely alien to you, but the feelings from your fingers are qutie familiar. You have a pussy now! You did it! You are IN Tiffany! You ARE Tiffany.

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