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While you need the cash badly it can wait a little bit longer, if they are watching everything you have in your name then they will know when you try to take any money. Looking up nearby libraries you pick the closest one and head there, its only a hour drive from the hotel there in the middle of some small town that your sure no one beyond the forest wall has ever heard of. From first glance the places seems nice, one of those small old school American towns, three schools, one medical center, and the hot spot is the old movie theater. The appearance new comers in the town is something that spreads quickly and while your car isn't top of the line its stylish curves are more than enough to call attention, not something your sure that you want much of with eyes seeming to always be following you.

Trying to keep low as much as possible you manage to make your way to the library, while it's not exactly what you were expecting it has computers for free use.

"Nya, I'm going to look some things up. You want to find something to-" You were going to say read but you're not sure if she can read, she's never shown you she can read but at the same time its never really come up.

Placing your hand on her hood you give her a small rub.

"Go find something fun to do. But try not to get to close to others ok?"


Wandering off into the many isles of books Nya seems content to look at the many colorful covers while you head towards a nearby computer. Scanning the small patch that Nya had you upload the image and being to search through the web to see if anything of the sort pops up, unfortunately since the DNA strand is so common it makes finding something of worth all the more difficult.

Minutes turn into hours of browser searching until you find yourself in some back water internet forum where geeks and freaks a like spend hours on end talking about government cover ups, mythological beasts and government mythological beasts; at this point you reaching for strings but this was one of the last places on the list.

Spending some time and watching the local chat box you stay silent and read and read until your eyes fall upon the symbol that had been posted a few months back from a long term user. While the post holds no information other than the symbol itself its the best led you have so far... while you want to go ahead and contact the person you feel uneasy of it... perhaps whoever the blank face on the site is, they are actually the people that are hunting you.

Do you:

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