D&D: Stay in your home for now, no sense fixing an unbroken schedule...

From Create Your Own Story

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In the end you decide you continue your daily activities. You continue your magical studies, learning many new spells and exploring areas of magic you've not previously knew. To make end dues you enchant and sell several trinkets, the local market always eager for magical artifacts to buy and sell for much larger cost.

You've become almost isolated from the outside worlds only venturing out for necessities, during your absence several of your admirers worked up the nerve to ask for your hand but so far you have refused. Many a men and even some women left your house bitter, only to return in a few days to ask again. It has become somewhat bothersome but each time one comes they bring a token of their affection. A large clutter of gold, precious minerals and even some magical artifacts have formed in your living room waiting for your inspection. Maybe you should check it out ?

For a few months this routine continues, for a time you thought the rising power you felt would disappear but it continues to persist as if awaiting something. You feel as though you should go out and investigate this, learn what the rising power you feel is. But just recently you received an interesting letter bearing the sigil of Waterdeep, perhaps it would be best to check it out first before going anywhere

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