High Voltage/Let Shawn's hands wander

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I wanted no piece of this, but his fingers explored me with a knowledge I didn't possess. It felt good enough to ignore the pressure on my thigh from his dick.

I turned my head to the side; I wasn't interested in kissing him. His relentless attack on my mouth ended, and he began kissing my neck. Normally that wouldn't be something I would go for, but I was in the moment.

I couldn't even begin to explain the sensations rolling through my body. I wasn't familiar with this body to know what was happening, but I was enjoying it. I made a sound I recognized from earlier in the shower and it seemed to encourage him more. I became more vocal. His hands continued to rub against me. He started to feel underneath my sweatshirt and it happened. I moaned loudly and started to laugh. Each little touch he gave me sent me further over the edge and was unbearably amazing. He eventually removed his hand from my panties and started undoing his pants.

Fuck. I had hoped this was a one way street. "Wait," I said. He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. I sat up straight on the bed. "I actually came over here to break up with you," I said.

"What?" he asked incredulously. "You couldn't have said that five minutes ago."

"Can you blame me?" I asked with a smirk. I started heading towards the door. He didn't block my exit and I left his building, smiling the whole way to my car.

The drive back to my dorm was quick. Too quick for me to reflect on what had just happened in detail. Just because I liked being touched didn't make me gay. I still liked women. I could be a lesbian for the next few weeks. Either way, I would figure out how to change back, and then I would be out of this body and back with Jess.

I arrived in the suite and Elianna was in the common area watching TV. It appeared the other girls had already retired for the night. "Hey Lauren," she said.

"Hey," I replied.

"How was Shawn?" She asked. I smiled slightly. She continued, "You've been gone a while, that's where you were, right?"

"Yes," I stuttered. "We just broke up."

She stood up from the couch and embraced me in a hug. Was this sympathy? "I'm sorry, but I'm glad he is behind you," she said. "Did you finally prove he was cheating on you?"

She was still hugging me, so she didn't see the surprise on my face. "No," I said, "I just didn't see it working out."

She relaxed her hug, moving her hands to my shoulders and her blue eyes looking deep into mine. "Now you're free!" she said. I nodded my head and she sat back down on the couch. "Want to watch TV? There isn't really anything on." It looked like she was watching some MTV show.

Should I:

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