My next door neighbors\Look at her legs

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You can't help but look at her toned legs, her thighs are well-proportioned and in the daylight they seem even more softer and inviting than they had looked the previous evening. The running shorts leave loads of skin to be inspected and as she shift her stance slightly, you have time to appreciate her muscles rippling under her smooth skin. "What are you looking at?" Her voice is neutral and you are not certain if you should look up at her face, but you do and manage not to blush. "Cross-trainers, I guess you don't just do road work?" She blinked and then a smile came to her lips, "Why yes, you're observant. But listen, I wanted to know if I couldn't perhaps twist your arm to run with me? I'm new here and I'm not sure where its safe to jog."

My next door neighbors\Offer to explain the routes to her

My next door neighbors\Get into your work-out clothes

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