Head to the bathroom and peek through the vent.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:03, 27 February 2015 by Bubba123 (Talk | contribs)

"I ahh.., I have to your use the bathroom Mommy..., but I'll be right back. Why don't you lay on the couch and get ready for me to fuck you. " You tell her in a confident tone that surpasses your age.

Stacy gives a moaning giggle. "Now that sounds like a good idea." She say as walks over to the couch and lays down on her side facing you, before slipping one hand into her bikini top to pull out and tug on a nipple while slipping her other hand between her legs to start rubbing her wet pussy. "Don't keep me waiting too long stud..., some one else might walk in and start fucking your horny mommy" She teases just before pulling the swatch of cloth covering her pussy to the side and shoving two fingers into her cunt and moaning loudly.

You tear yourself away and make a beeline for the bathroom, quietly entering it and closing the door behind before sitting down on toilet to peek through the vent. It's position between the two rooms is perfect for giving you a clear view into back bedroom. You can clearly see Heather leaning against the far corner of the room and Jake propped up on the bed leaning agaisnt the pillows with his P.S.P. in hand. Though he really doesn't seem to be playing with it, more just staring at it.

"I still can't believe that was you I have been chatting with on-line the past three weeks." Heather said looking up at Jake from the floor. The paper thin wall allowed you to clearly hear every thing that was being said, even though Heather seemed to be trying to keep her voice down. "All the things we talked about..., all the things you asked me to do." Heather rolls her head upwards and glares at the ceiling. "I can't believe you faked a chat account just so you could see me naked."

'What?!?' You scream out in your head. "So, thats why he has been spending so much time on his computer" you whisper to your self, your cock already starting to stiffen at the thought of Heather naked.

"It wasn't about that!" Jake yells, tossing his P.S.P. to the side. "I just.., I..." Jake started before his confidence quickly evaporated.

"Bullshit!" Heather spat, moving quickly to the foot of the bed. "Ah come on baby, lift up your shirt and flash those big titties at me. Show me that hairless pussy so I can dream about eating you out." Jake looked away from Heather, his eyes tightly shut. "Don't you look away from me you little bastard!" Heather yelled no longer concerning herself with remaining quiet. "You remember right.., all the nasty things you said to me? How good it would feel to have my big tits pressed agaisnt you cock. How bad you wanted to fuck my tight pussy till I screamed. Oh my God.., how you didn't want to use a condom so you could knock me up, make me all yours." She grabs her bikini top and rips it off, soon followed by the panties so she is standing there completely naked in front of Jake. "Look at me! This is what you wanted right, me completely naked, cause I'm nothing but a slut, right?!"

Heather is completely gorgeous, her pussy shows no signs of use and is completely hairless while her tits aren't quite as big as your mom's they don't show a hint of sag. You also notice that dispite her angry tone that her nipples are hard as stones and sticking straight out. You can't help it any more, you pull down your shorts and start jerking off to the sight of Heather's naked body.

Tears are starting to collect in the corner's of Heather's eyes. "What were you going to do Jakey..., were you going to use me like a slut..., fuck me.., rape me"

For the first time Jake opens his eyes and looks at Heather, his voice getting caught in his throat when he realizes that the object of his greatest desires is now standing in front of him completely naked. Though you can tell that Jake is desperite to defend himself he still has to take a few moments for his eyes to roam up and down her body. "I could never do that..." Jake finally manages to choke out. "Heather, I..., I love you." Your 13 year old brother pulls in an exasperated breath. "Heather I'm in love with you."

Despite the emotionally implications of the scene playing out in front of you can't ignore how horny your are right now. You could:

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