My next door neighbors\Accept dinner

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:31, 18 January 2015 by DeathsKnight (Talk | contribs)
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Brenda prepares a salad and chips as Dan grills steaks in a pan. You enjoy the company of the two and even at times notice that Brenda is checking you out when she thinks you aren't looking. It appears that they moved after a stalker started to make Brenda's life a bit of a hell and even though the story would hold water, there is just something about it that doesn't quite ring true, but since you're the guest you don't actually say anything to discourage their words.

After a good meal and several beers later, you decide to head home. At the door Dan shakes hands with you, he steps back as Brenda steps forward.


My next door neighbors\Shake hands

My next door neighbors\Hug her

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