Katie Answers the Door

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Tired, A Little Tense Apparel and Items: Small Athletic Shorts and Tight Shirt
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Bathroom A Little
Level of Humiliation Still Embarrassed From the Events of Thursday and Friday, Self-conscious

Katie decided to brave it and at the very least see who was at the door.

“Who is it?” Katie asked as she leaned against the front door to see through the peephole.

“Well, who do you think it is?” a woman replied back. Her ‘cutesy’ tone was clearly forced in a manner suggesting the disguise was worn daily.

The teen hesitated for a second but soon answered; her words more jolted than what she wanted.

“I-.... I-I’m guessing.... Aunt Jill?”

“Very good!” the woman cheered in the same unnerving tone, “Now, Katie. Could you please open the door?”

The brunette could feel temperature drop when the elder used her name. Katie wrapped her arms around her chest when she remembered what little she had on. “I-I’m sorry! I’m not properly dressed!” she shouted.

“I’m your aunt, Honey. You think I care about what you wear.” the woman said with the slightest increase in her sincerity.

Katie looked herself over again. She was nearly in a cold sweat. Her nipples were clearly visible and she knew that her shorts showed too much whenever she walked. The teenager sighed. Anyway she looked at it, Katie couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. However, she had been talking with her aunt for a while without letting her in. To leave her at the doorstep to go change would just be rude. She’d probably get an earful from her mother afterwards.

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeaseeee?” her aunt asked. Katie could almost feel her aunt’s puppy-dog eyes through the wood.

“Okay!” the teen blurted.

“Yay! Show me what you go on!” Aunt Jill replied, her words forming the hook to some song Katie couldn’t think of at the moment. With eyes closed, the brunette puffed out her chest, brought a clammy hand to the door knob and twisted.

“That’s it?” Aunt Jill asked, the excitement in her voice taken down a peg.

Katie opened her eyes an got a full look at her aunt. The elder seemed to tower over the girl, primarily due to her lifts. A large sun hat pressed against the back of her head which was odd considering the weather man predicted rain through next week. Her dress was professional, devoid of the loose jewelry Katie associated her with. The teenager assumed she was going to her daycare sometime later. She was very similar to her mother but the differences were noticeable. She was toned for her age. In fact, her muscles could rival the best of those years younger. Her brunette hair was wavier and reached past her shoulders. Her wrinkles proved that she was the oldest amongst her mother’s siblings yet her face screamed ‘respectable teacher’ to the teenager. It was a kind face except her eyes. Her eyes gave way to the fury behind the ‘cutesy’ attitude and they were glaring at her: judging her and ready to strike at any time.

It was then Katie registered her aunt’s last comment.

“Wh-.... w-what do you mean ‘t-that’s it?’” Katie inquired, feeling insulted but wishing not to hurt Aunt Jill’s feelings.

“This is what you’re embarrassed about!” Aunt Jill declared, motioning to Katie’s body, with little effort to hide the humor she took out of her niece’s distress. “There are women who go running everyday in those same types of clothes. Of course, most are more developed than you but that comes with time and effort. A-cups, am I right?”

The brunette covered her chest, much to the delight of her aunt. She could feel those eyes dressing her down and out of what little she had on.

“Why are you covering? I’ve seen you naked plenty of times. Nothing I haven’t seen already. Also, your nipples are clearly erect.” Aunt Jill rattled off as she entered the house.

Katie choked and sputtered at her aunt’s words. Clutching her private parts, her legs fumbled across the room in the hopes of distancing herself from her elder. Aunt Jill took the nearest seat and began to laugh at her niece’s action. The teenager managed to take a seat as well, slowly cradling herself while her mind tried to find a happier place to wander.

Her search was cut off when her aunt spoke up. “So, I heard you had a bad couple of days. What’s been bugging you? Besides me, that is.”

Katie glanced back at the older woman, flinching a little as the ‘cutesy’ tone made its appearance once again. What she saw was a woman reveling in how much control she had. Katie then realized that this woman was her guardian for the next two days. She felt sick and hoped that the universe could go easy on her for once. Perhaps if she told her about the misery she had been put through, her aunt would take pity.

“I tried out for cheerleading on Thursday.” Katie said.

“And?” Aunt Jill replied.

“The coaches told me to strip out of my jeans! They kept on commenting on how big my butt was! Then the cheerleaders showed up-”

Katie spent the next couple of minutes retelling how the cheerleaders humiliated her and how the day after that she was forced to run in the rain in her nightie. She wanted to stop but the unnecessary details continued to spill just like the tears flowing off her face. By the time it was over, the teenager found herself in the arms of her aunt, slowly swaying her back and forth.

“Shhhh.... It’s okay..... We’ll fix this.” her aunt whispered into her ear.

“Wh-what do you mean?” Katie choked out.

Aunt Jill stood up and placed Katie in her chair. “Well, we can’t punish all of them. Not yet, anyway. That’s at least half of the school board but I know exactly what we can do this weekend!” the older woman declared.


“We get you a body you can flaunt!” -Let's work out!

“We get you comfortable with your own body!” -Strip!

“We train you to improvise!” -Let's play a game!

“We get naked!” -???

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