Make Josh leave Jessica alone and pay more attention to you instead

From Create Your Own Story

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'Josh what are you doing down there?' you struggle to not break into a tantrum straight away. Josh's head rises up from the skirt as it falls into a bunch at the bottom of Jessica's back. Jessica's mouth leaves your kitty too.

'He's just tickling me while I, tickle, you', explained Jessica, punctuating each pause with a kiss of your kitty.

'No!' you nearly shout, making Jessica's head move backwards slightly in shock. 'I want Josh to tickle me not you'. You feel a real rage coming and tears begin to fill your eyes.

The bed moves as Josh comes next to you. 'It's ok Mimi', he says soothingly, 'I can tickle you if you want'.

You shake your head in frustration. 'Oh this is ridiculous!' Jessica says sitting upon her knees. 'You were fine with me until you saw Josh. You can't have something just because you see someone else with it Miranda'.

'You said we had to leave Josh alone and then you still tickled with him!' you shoot back at your sister.

'It's ok', says Josh stroking your hair, 'we'll all take it in turns'. Turning to Jessica Josh makes a face which makes your sister shrug and sigh.

'Fine'. She moves in and kisses you on the lips, a bit roughly you think, before kissing your little belly on her way back down to between your legs. You lie back as your sisters tongue resumes it's caresses. Josh lies down on his belly next to you and kisses your lips, pushing his tongue into your mouth. You love the attention from your siblings!

You begin to let yourself drift back into that building sensation, especially when Josh leaves your mouth to start kissing your chest. His mouth begins to worry at your nipples as Jessica focuses more and mor on your tickle spot.

'Open your mouth', Josh whispers into your ear. You hadn't even noticed him leave your chest due to your sister's tonguing. You turn your head and open your mouth. Josh's face leaves your field of vision and is replaced by the view of his penis bouncing towards you as he straightens up, bringing it level with your face. He leans over you and puts his hands on the opposite side of your head, so all you need to do is keep your mouth open and accept him pushing his thing past your lips.

You quite like tickling Josh like this; he's doing all the work this time. All you have to do is keep your lips around your teeth and make sure you breath with it taking up most of your mouth.

The three of you become lost in the moment, the sounds of slurping and the squeak of the bed as Josh moves the only noises you make. Josh's penis leaves your mouth and the bed moves as he comes next to your ear,

'Can I tickle Jessica now Mimi?'

Nod and let Josh pay attention to Jessica for a while

Make Josh put his thing back in your mouth; you want the gloop!

Tell Josh to tickle you with his thing instead

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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