YWD: Go into class as you are?

From Create Your Own Story

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As you make your dramatic entrance into your classroom, a collective gasp rises up from your classmates. The teacher's face turns purple and he almost explodes with rage. He marches up to you, grabs you by the arm, and pulls you out of the classroom. Practically dragging you upstairs, he takes you to the Headmaster's study and knocks on the door sharply. The Headmaster calls you in, then leaps to his feet as he sees you wearing only your underwear. The teacher explains that you entered his classroom like this, then he turns you around to show the Headmaster that your panties are full of poo. The Headmaster demands of you where your clothes are. You tell him they are in your locker. He then summons his wife, who takes you to the toilets and stands outside a cubicle while you clean up. You emerge from the cubicle clean and wearing only a bra and your shoes and socks. You are holding your dirty panties. The Headmaster's wife fetches your other clothes from your locker and you get dressed. Returning to the Headmaster's office, you are subjected to an intense lecture, and then suspended from school. Your parents are called and you are taken home in disgrace.


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